Redoubt 2


According to the West Point authors of “Highland Fortress,” the late spring and summer of 1779 saw the fortifications at West Point increase dramatically, and what was begun then would comprise the ultimate number of fortifications. In a letter from General Washington he writes,“You will be pleased to examine the long Hill in front (west) of Fort Putnam, at the extremities of which the Engineer [Kosciuszko] is commencing some works….The possession of this Hill appears to me essential to the preservation of the whole post and our main effort ought to be directed to keeping our enemy off of it.”

According to “Highlands Fortress,” the “Long Hill” Washington referred to began at Delafield Pond running NE to SW to Redoubt 4 where it “increased in height and divided, with one extremity running due south to Redoubts #1 and #2 which were built on short spurs at its end, and the other running southwest to Redoubt #3 placed about halfway along its length.”