Redoubt 3


Erected in 1779, Redoubt 3 is located in the hills above the West Point Commissary and to the west of the top of the ski lift. It was situated to protect the high ground to the rear of Fort Putnam. In the summer of 1779, building this redoubt appeared to be urgent given the Battle of Stony Point that had occurred in July of that year.

As indicated in the Highlands Fortress” document, the authors note that in, ‘The Study for the Defense of West Point.” French Chief Engineer Louis Duportail was under instructions from General Washington to “War Game” the fortress to see what would be the most likely means of attack. Regarding Redoubt 3, Duportail supposed that the enemy might …

advance by the mountain…he must then capture Redoubts [1 and 2]…and after having taken Redoubt [3]…by strong attack he must likewise take Rockhill [4] and then Putnam for…the enemy cannot find (neither at the redoubt [3]…nor at Rockhill [4] cannon suitable for firing on the works.“ [Cannons seized by the British at either Redoubts 3 or 4 would not be of large enough caliber to threaten Fort Putnam.]


According to “Highlands Fortress,” the “Long Hill” Washington referred to began at Delafield Pond running NE to SW to Redoubt 4 where it “increased in height and divided, with one extremity running due south to Redoubts #1 and #2 which were built on short spurs at its end, and the other running southwest to Redoubt #3 placed about halfway along its length.”

“ At other redoubts and batteries the tendency was to raise the entire work to achieve command of the surrounding area if the natural terrain was not adequate for that purpose. Redoubt #3, without earth in its parapet of its battery, indicates that construction must have been hasty to save the time required to hug and pack soil in the parapets. If so, there would not be time to raise all the works to sufficient height to achieve perfect all-around observation, particularly if the natural elevation of the terrain offered good general observation except for the narrow sector. Construction of a small tower would be a feasible solution to the problem of the two knolls.”*

explanation of redoubt 3

Some objects found on site include: a large spoon, a USA button, and a Wyllis Tea Cup.