Middle Redoubt at Garrison


Middle Redoubt, known locally to some as South Redoubt, is managed by Garrison Union Free School as part of the Garrison School Forest, gifted by the Osborn, Gunther, and Sloan families for environmental education in 1956. Students from the school take part in programs to learn about their American Revolutionary heritage. Wayside exhibits explaining the Revolutionary history of the area and redoubt are displayed in a kiosk near it.

Middle Redoubt, located on the high point of the same ridge as North Redoubt, is approximately one-half mile to the south of the latter. Engineer Villefranche, writing in approximately 1782, indicates the redoubt contained a bombproof or powder magazine, but there is no indication of one in the ruins according to John Mead’s Archaeological Survey. The most significant feature is the ditch that was constructed around the entire redoubt.Three external artillery batteries bolstered the all-round defenses and allowed mutually supporting fires for North Redoubt.


 There are some access problems for the general public that are being addressed by Putnam County as the redoubt abuts private property. The foundations of huts for the redoubt’s garrison are in a ravine to its east and must be preserved. West Point cultural resources officers have visited these sites and  have provided knowledge to Garrison citizens on these historic structures.