Friends of the American Revolution at West Point, Inc. (FAR)

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Our mission is to preserve, protect, and publicize known and to be discovered historic sites and artifacts at the West Point Garrison from 1775-1783, for the benefit of current, past, and future cadets, for the public and for posterity. Working in partnership with the United States Army Garrison at West Point, FAR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit approved under Army Regulation 210-22, the State of New York and the IRS.

  • FAR works closely with several West Point entities to support its mission: the West Point Garrison including Garrison Commander Colonel Andrew Hanson; the Chief Engineer Matt Talaber; the West Point Museum; the WP Garrison Cultural Resources Officers; the WP Management Agronomist; Project Managers; General Maintenance and Safety Officers; and, various USMA Departments and other associations.
  • FAR coordinates with the USMA Departments of History, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Civil Engineering and the USMA Library archivists.
  • FAR coordinates maintenance of Kosciuszko’s Garden & Trail and Kosciuszko’s Memorial with WPAOG through the Rowny Fund and coordinates West Point volunteers.
  • FAR’s Board is made up of former West Point graduates, as well as accomplished professionals in finance, architecture, law, education, marketing, archaeology and academia. Honorary Board members include Distinguished Graduate LTG (retired) Dave Palmer, former Superintendent; and, Alex Storozynski, Pulitzer Prize winner and Chairman of the Kosciuszko Foundation with offices in NYC and Washington, DC.


Partnered with the WP Garrison to rebuild the walls of the Chain Battery fortification on Flirtation Walk.

Partnered with the WP Garrison and the Class of 1970 to restore  the connecting trail from Kosciuszko’s Garden to Flirtation Walk / Revolutionary Supply Road.

In 2017, FAR received the second highest award for  organizations that made the greatest contribution to West Point in 2017.

Partnering with the USMA Departments of History and Engineering to preserve fortification sites in support of the cadet-led Digital Staff Ride.

Partnered with the West Point Cultural Resources Officers, West Point Museum and USMA Department of History on the  development and design of interpretive signage for Fortress West Point sites with initial funding from the Daughters of the US Army at West Point (DUSA).

Partnered with the WP Garrison to complete renovation of Kosciuszko’s Garden including infrastructure, maintenance, landscaping, and purchase of additional benches.

Under the direction of Garrison Commander Colonel Andrew Hanson, completed the U.S. Army Garrison West Point Strategic Plan for  Fortress West Point Preservation.

Other Accomplishments

  • Currently working with the Garrison School in Putnam County to preserve and interpret the Middle Redoubt in Putnam County.  Also assisting in educational events with Garrison School students to enhance their understanding of the importance of the Fortress West Point site located on their school grounds.
  • FAR produced designs, graphic renderings and trail diagrams for fortification restoration in partnership with FAR Board member architect Alison Spears;
  • Funded leading stone restoration experts to travel to West Point provide estimates for the preservation of Forts Wyllys and Meigs; and,
  • Gave speeches throughout the region and in Poland on the historical significance of Fortress West Point.
  • Published articles in several publications here and in Poland on Kosciuszko’s role at Fortress West Point and in the American Revolution.
  • Dr. Blakeslee was featured in several films produced in the U.S. and by the Polish government honoring Kosciuszko. One of the films was based on the life of  Distinguished Graduate ‘41 LTG (Ret) Ed Rowny and highlighted his role as Chief SALT negotiator under five presidents. It also addressed his contributions to the preservation of Kosciuszko’s Garden and the fortifications at West Point.

President of FAR, Dr. Betsey Blakeslee receives the Gold Cross of Merit from President Komorowski of Poland for preservation work on Kosciuszko’s Garden and Fortress West Point fortifications. Dr. Blakeslee received two additional medals in Krakow, Poland in 2017 at the International Conference honoring the 200th anniversary of the death of Kosciuszko. UNESCO named 2017 the “Year of Kosciuszko” worldwide.

Dr. Blakeslee spoke about the “Importance of Kosciuszko at West Point: 1778 to the Present,” and was one of the co-chairs of the conference that over twenty countries attended.