Beverley Robinson House at Garrison

The Beverley Robinson House in Garrison was owned by the Tory Colonel Beverley Robinson who was the commander of the Loyal American Regiment in the service of the British Army. His home served as headquarters for General Benedict Arnold and his young wife and child when he was commander at West Point. When he arrived to take command there were questions about why General Arnold would live across the river and not at West Point.

On the day of the discovery of Arnold’s treason, General Washington inspected the North and Middle Redoubts on his way to Arnold’s residence. Accompanied by Colonel Alexander Hamilton and General Marquis de Lafayette, he sent them ahead to have breakfast with Peggy Shippen Arnold.  Washington followed somewhat later and by the time he reached the Beverley Robinson House the treason of Arnold had been discovered.

The Beverley Robinson house burned down in the the late nineteenth century and all that remains is a root cellar on the original property in Garrison.

Peggy Shippen Arnold

Nineteen-year-old Peggy Shippen was the young, beautiful second wife of forty-year-old General Arnold, whom he married after the death of his first wife. In 1780, when the treason occurred, they had an infant son.

The West Point Commander’s wife was the daughter of Tories and had socialized with Major John Andre (Arnold’s courier) throughout her teenage years. General Washington, having known her since she was a child, was convinced that she knew nothing of her husband’s diabolical actions. Letters discovered in London in the 1980’s, however, confirm that she knew of the impending treason.